The Graduate Program in Neuroscience is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary training program at Iowa State University that offers the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The Neuroscience training program offers a broad spectrum of Neuroscience research opportunities, ranging from the molecular to the cellular to the systems level of analysis. The program includes over 40 faculty from the departments of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology; Food Science and Human Nutrition; Genetics, Development and Cell Biology; Kinesiology; Mechanical Engineering; and Psychology.
The strength of the Neuroscience Program lies in the combined expertise of its diverse faculty. Neuroscience faculty in a variety of disciplines will provide you with flexibility in your choice of a research project and major professor. Other activities and organizations in the program bring faculty and students together and provide opportunities for personal and professional interaction. These interactions are central to our goals, which are to provide broad and robust graduate student training while stimulating excellence in Neuroscience research.
For more information, contact us at neuroscience@iastate.edu.